Friday, May 1, 2015

Our 'Fat' Experiment

We put some potato chips (crisps) in a beaker and poured very hot water on top.
We let the water cool, then put the beaker in the fridge overnight.
When we looked at it the next morning, what did we see?

We saw a layer of fat!
Where did it come from?
We decided the fat had come out of the chippies!

Last term when we visited Harold at the Life Education van we learned that food with ingredients (sugar, fat and salt
is treat food that should not be eaten every day.

Now we know why chippies are a once in awhile snack, not an everyday snack.

What are some yummy, healthy snacks that we could bring in our lunchboxes?


  1. Mrs Mackenzie and B4
    We loved reading about the experiment - we've been looking at science too here in Taranaki so that was a great fit with what we're doing in class. We talked about the experiment before we put the picture up on the big screen and our students let out a big 'aaaahhhh' followed by a 'yuck' when they saw what had come up on the screen! Thank you for sharing it with us.
    Mr Webb and Room Three, Auroa Primary School, Taranaki, New Zealand

  2. Wow! Over 1/2 of our class eat chippies and as many bring little packets of chips in their lunchboxes.This got us thinking about some other ideas for snacks...
    Rose suggested sandwiches. Yusra suggested big, long carrots! Olivia thought fruit would be a good snack. Her favourites are apple and pear. Hayley suggested yoghurt might be a healthy snack. Akshaya said oranges. Gregory thinks kiwifruit would make good snacks. Adit likes capsicum! Hope likes apples (most of our class likes apples). Amy suggested strawberries.
    From B5, Eastern Hutt School
