Friday, August 30, 2013

Liv's Little Lamb

(This is a guest post by Liv.)

Recently I got a lamb. It was a girl. 
I named her Ruby because I've already had a lamb called Max and now I have a lamb called Ruby. (There is a TV show called Max and Ruby!).
I got her for an early birthday present for when I turn 7.

She is so loud that I could hear her from the bathroom and she was in the living room.
Because Ruby is so noisy when I put her into her cage, she keeps me up all night until she falls fast asleep.
I got Ruby from my nana.
Ruby is only a few days old and lives inside at the moment, because she might wander away. 
When she is bigger she will live up at the calf pen with the calves.
Sometimes Ruby wears a nappy to keep the house clean.

We have to feed Ruby every four hours. She drinks a lot.

Today Ruby came in for a visit to school. I thought she would be nervous but she was fine.

Lambs are good pets to have and they are cuddly.
Ruby is so loveable and she is the best pet in the world!

Do you have a lamb or another pet?
How do you take care of it?
What do you like about your pet?

by Liv


  1. Hi Liv, I love your post about Ruby!!! She sounds like a very noisy lamb and it appears that it is a bit like having a new baby in the house. How long do the 4 hourly feeds last for? I bet you are all very tired!

  2. Dear Liv,

    I loved reading your guest post about your new pet, Ruby! She looks so soft and cuddly! I wish I was at your school so I could see her and pet her. Does Ruby get along with Max?

    You asked if I have a pet. Yes, I have a dog named Buck, and he will be two years old in December. Buck is a Labrador retriever and he LOVES to retrieve his toys and chase lizards.
    Pets add such joy to our lives!

    Your impressed friend,
    Mrs. Y♥llis

    1. Dear Mrs Yollis
      Ruby is quite soft on her face and legs but her body is a bit different to her legs and face because it is less soft.
      We used to have Max, but we don't have him any more. Max used to eat candy canes and Weetbix.

      Have you ever had a lamb or a sheep?

      your pal

    2. Dear Mrs Yollis
      I forgot to write that pets do add such joy to our lives, they do don't they? I also have 4 dogs, 3 cats, Ruby, 33 chickens, 1 rooster and lots of cows. It is quite busy at my house!

      your blogging buddy

      PS I turn 7 tomorrow!

    3. Dear Mrs Yollis
      I used to play Ruby but now I do karate. We learn to do karate. We learn lots of stuff.

      From Caleb

  3. Dear Ms Bee
    Ruby is quite handful. She is always following me around the house. After awhile Ruby gets annoying. Her feeding goes for a short time but sometimes Ruby when she is really hungry she will drink a lot.

    warm wishes

  4. Dear Liv
    Ruby is very cute. That I want to ceap her. I have got a lame. but... he pose in the house. And Dad has to pike it up with a popa scopa. his name is tiger. ''dad said tiger is on wine the pooh'' we got hem in august. the 14th. his favorite game aronde the house is saugar. dose enyone of you know how to play it? well someone has to go outside and I go outside. and he comes ziping aronde the corner. and he has to trie and pass me. but I cepe on catching hem
    from jamie


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