A river runs through our town.
It is called the Inangahua River.
Our river is a special place, and we are finding out that people use it in many ways.
To get ready for our river topic, we visited the river and used our senses to explore our surroundings.
The first stop though, was the art gallery, to view some river paintings by a local artist.
(We didn't photograph the artworks due to copyright.)
When we walked to the swing bridge, we used the right-hand side of the road, facing the on-coming traffic.
Look how we are walking in single-file, keeping well off the road!
We walked over the bouncy swing bridge.
Unfortunately, there was a wasp nest by that part of the river, so back we went to a safer area.
At the riverside we SAW water creatures, we HEARD the river rushing over the stones, we FELT the cold water and the hard rocks and we SMELLED the country air.
Did we TASTE anything?
Bobby found a minuscule fish. |
A water spider |
What is your favourite water activity?
Can you suggest some ways people use the river to make their living?