What did we find out?
They have a grizzly bear wandering around on their island at the moment. It must have swum across the sea to get there.
Their school day is 9am - 2.45 pm. Ours is 8.50 - 3pm.
It was 9am Tuesday in New Zealand but it was 2pm Monday in Canada. Our school day was just starting and theirs was nearly over.
Their principal is a female, but they only see her 3 times a month. AJ Elliott Elementary school is a satellite school.
Today there were 5 boys and 11 girls in their class. Some children were away. We had 8 boys and 12 girls because Luka is away.
We counted to 10 in Maori - tahi, rua, toru, wha, rima, ono, whitu, waru iwa, tekau.
They counted to 10 in French - une, deux, trois, quartre, cinq, six, sept, huit, neuf, dix.
We shared some sports, hobbies and pastimes. Tessa showed her rugby medal and trophy. Nikaya and Adam showed their rugby boots. Rosealeigha showed her netball uniform.
Thor showed his skateboard. JiaJia showed her soft-toy Kereru (wood pigeon).
From Canada, Michael showed a special coin from his collection. Sophia showed the trophy she got for playing checkers. And we saw a soft-toy cat.
They have been learning times tables and division. So have we.
Once they get to Grade 8 they have to go on the ferry to school each day. We can stay at the same school until we have finished Year 13.
Their $1 and $2 coins are called Loonies and Toonies.
It was a lot of fun meeting our friends.