Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Little Blue Penguin

Mrs McKenzie spent a couple of days of her term break at one of her favourite places, the Fox River, on the coast road.
This is one of the road signs nearby:

There is a large sea cave at Fox River:

Sometimes the penguins sleep in there. 
Mrs McKenzie was lucky enough one night to see 
a little blue penguin in the cave. 
He was making his way to his nest, and once the 
torches were turned off 
he quickly scuttled further into a long arm of the cave, calling out to his family as he went.
Maybe he was reassuring his family that he was okay!

What do you know about penguins?
Where are your favourite places?

To read more about Mrs McKenzie's 
favourite place, click here.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Rescuing Hansel and Gretel

We ended our term by learning about mapping.
After hearing the story of Hansel and Gretel, we drew pictures of their journey.
We transferred our pictures on grid paper and learned to describe the journey using directional words such as 'up, down, left, right'.
Then we learned about 'North, South, East, West'.

Mapping the Journey of Hansel and Gretel on PhotoPeach

Can you rescue Hansel and Gretel using our maps and directions?

By the end of the week we were experts, so it was time to use our skills and have a treasure hunt at school.
Jonathon was the first to solve all the clues!
Here are some new clues.
Can you find the treasure?
What coloured shape did you land on?
Leave a comment to let me know.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Why Eat Healthy Food

Do you make healthy food choices?
B4 children have some reasons why you should!

What hints do you have for the speaker?
What hints do you have for the camera person?
How would we make our videos look and sound better next time?

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Healthy Food messages

We've been looking at healthy food choices with Miss Marquet, and we have decided 
to present our findings as video messages.
We planned our messages and talked about the need for our delivery to have impact.
We practiced with our partners, 
and then had a go at filming with the ipodtouches.
Most of us need to re-film, 
but here is a taster, with the first two messages (and some bloopers!)
Do you have any hints for us, so we can improve our delivery?

Sunday, July 3, 2011

10,000 visitors and still counting!

We achieved an exciting milestone last week when we hit 10,000 visitors 
on our Clustrmap.
Thank you to all of our visitors. 
We love keeping track of our total as it changes, 
and like many of our blogging buddies, 
we are learning 
lots of geography and maths without even trying!
If you are someone who visits our blog but has 
never left a comment 
we would love you to leave one now - just to say hello, say who you are and where you are from!