Monday, March 21, 2016

A Bush Walk Up Lankey's Creek Track

Our Social Studies topic is Our Place - The Bush. 
We've been looking at how our bush environment is used by the people who live here, and by the people who visit our area.
Our key idea is that the bush is a significant feature for people - locals and visitors.
We went for a bush walk up the Lankey's Creek track, and also took the chance to make some sketches of plants for our artwork.

What do you like about bush walks?

Sunday, March 13, 2016

A Visit to the Art Gallery

We are going to be using the artworks of local artists, plus our local environment, as inspiration for our own art works, so we visited the local art gallery.
We saw art works made with different media. 
We saw paintings with animals, paintings with people, sculptures and carvings.

Alison Hale kept us spell-bound when she showed us how she creates paintings on glass.

We really enjoyed our visit to the gallery!

Do you have a gallery in your town?
What type of art works do you like looking at?

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Friendship Sticks

To end our Health unit on Friendships, everyone got to make a friendship stick for homework.
The stick had to have our name and our friend's name. 
It had to be decorated so the receiver would know we spent time thinking about them.
The stick had to say 'why' the friend is receiving it!

Our sticks are beautiful!

Why is your friend special?
What do you like to do together?

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Filling the 100 Chart

We worked in twos or threes to see how quickly we could put the numbers back onto a 100 grid.
We found there are many ways to do it, but some strategies are quicker than others.
Starting from 1 and hunting for the next numbers in order took far too long!
Using what we know about number patterns in rows and columns was quicker.

What patterns might you use to do this quickly?