Monday, April 16, 2012

Mr Frizzletail Comes to Visit

Mr Frizzletail is a squirrel mascot from the U.S.A. and 
is on a tour 'downunder' to 
Australia and New Zealand. 
You can read about his adventures on his blog.
On his way from Wellington to Reefton, Mr Frizzletail got to visit the Beehive and Parliament buildings.

Mr Frizzletail is surprised to find that we don't have squirrels in New Zealand, 
but he is looking forward to some adventures 
with the B4 children.

What do you know about squirrels?

Why do we refer to New Zealand and Australia as 'downunder'?


  1. Hello Mrs McKenzie, Mrs Wistrand and students of B4,

    I'm Mrs Buckby and I teach grade 1 & 2 students in Geelong, Australia.

    What an exciting time having a special visitor all the way from the U.S.A. with you! It looks like Mr Frizzletail is having a wonderful time so far.

    I have never seen a squirrel before. I do know that they are classified as 'rodents' and I must say, the only encounters I have ever had with rodents (rats and mice) have not been pleasant! I'm sure Mr Frizzeltail is very adorable.

    I found the link to the 'Beehive' interesting as I had never heard of it. Thank-you for sharing.

    I have only just started my class blog and we have enjoyed looking at a globe of the world this week when discussing where our visitors have come from. It is clear when looking at the globe why we are referred to as the 'land down under' - We are literally on the 'under' side of the world!

    I hope your enjoy your time with Mr Frizzeltail. Please stop by our blog and leave us a comment - we love visitors!

    From Mrs Buckby

  2. Dear Mrs McKenzie and B4
    Welcome back after your break!
    We have LOTS of squirrels in England, and they are considered something of a pest. They come into gardens and steal nuts and seeds from bird tables, and they can be quite ingenious at working out ways to get at food! We often see them in the woods around here, leaping between branches and scurrying up tree trunks. They also live in cities, especially in the parks. These are grey squirrels. We also have red squirrels, which are native to Britain but are pretty rare now, having been turfed off their territory by the larger, more aggressive greys. Red squirrels are beautiful, and I have only been lucky enough to see them twice, in Scotland where they are slightly more common.

    Does your school have a mascot too? We were sent a gift from our friends the Roadrunners in North Carolina with their mascot the Roadrunner on it, but in the UK we don't really have mascots for our schools. I'm wondering how common it is.

    I look forward to seeing what adventures Mr Frizzletail gets up to!

    Mrs M & A Room with a View

    1. Dear MRs Monaghan

      in NZ we do not have squirrels.

      your buddy Ian


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